Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Busy, baby, and car on fire!

...reasons why I haven't been blogging lately!

Although I got thru the worst part of being sick, the cough is still persistent a month and a half later. Little S had an ear infection - only the second one she's ever had - and that reminds me that I need to take her BACK to the pediatrician for a followup. ~sigh~ The hubby had "the germ" briefly as well...

Recently, the car we had bought for my mother in law caught fire in the parking lot of her apartment building. This means that my hubby then gave her one of our cars to use until WE could buy her something else. I didn't say anything even though it kinda rubs me the wrong way to be make a car payment on a car that isn't in my driveway. After all, the bus makes frequent stops at her building every day! Alas, we finally got the insurance money from the fire. A payout of $2,000 - I'm surprised the car was worth that actually. I told them that they had to stay at or below $2,000. I am trying to get us out of debt not make things worse! So last week, they went to look at a car without me. It was listed for $2800....grrrrrr....they offered $2500...grrrrrrrrr. THEN, I had to take the extra $500 out of MY savings to pay for the car! GRRRR!!! I just keep telling myself that at least I won't have to go pick her up and take her home every time she wants to come visit. It is a nice car ...I just want to keep my money!

What did come out of that mess was the realization that we can live with only one vehicle right now. Hubby has a car from work so that helps tremendously! We're now considering selling one of our cars to free up cash to further debt progress. We'll see how that goes...

This last weekend was wonderful! (On an up note!) Little S and I met my Mom for a girls day, hubby and I took Little S to Cabelas and Quaker Steak and Lube (yummy!) and then on Memorial Day we visited my family. It was overall a good weekend even if we are tired from it. :)

Wishes everyone out there a blessed day! Always lookin' for that silver lining even when growling at everything! :)

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