I feel that I've been blog neglecting...I do have an excuse!! I'm now on my 9th day of this blessed illness. Sinus infection, coughing, BLAH!! Luckily, the rest of my family hasn't came down with it too. May not be the best excuse but it's an excuse none the less!
On to new things!
I believe I'm going thru a new phase! I don't know it it will last but I hope it does! Since starting to cloth diaper Little S, my mind has began to open to a lot of new ideas. I've already posted on how being part of the cloth diapering online community has opened me up to whole new online areas that I had never explored before! Now, I'm seeing more and more how my personal life needs work. My house, my body, my mind and soul....my wallet! LOL! I've started a new goal list. These are broad goals but I have to start somewhere. I will them break these goals up into pieces I can handle and move forward with them.
My BIG goal list:
1. Get out of debt (specifically credit cards - the cars will follow)
2. Lose 60 lbs
3. Make my house "company ready" at any given time.
4. Develop a home management system
5. Find more ways to go green and save money!
6. Find time for myself and my hubby...it's easy to get lost in the "mommy" world
Now I know these are very BIG goals and none of them are going to happen over night. I also think it's hard to concentrate on them all at the same time. In the past, I've only been able to concentrate on one big thing at a time and all others fall apart. I need structure (home management) but not so much that I can't have fun with my family. Family and God must remain my top priority.
That said, I think one of my greatest barriers in this adventure is my hubby. :) God bless him! He is one of the messiest people I know who thinks that he's not. He spends money like crazy! (Just because it's on sale, doesn't mean we NEED it!) He's also in no way "green" although he's doing well with cloth diapering now.
Some things that are going to help (I hope!) and progress I've recently made:
1. Hubby just switched to dayshift at work so we should be spending more time together!
2. Made a list of my debts and am going to apply the Dave Ramsey "Snowball" method
3. Of course, I cloth diaper my baby but I've also just started using cloth wipes and just ordered my first "mama cloth" to try and am considering making my own "family cloth" even if I'm the only one using it now. I'm trying to evaluate what items are disposable in my world and try to replace them with something reusable.
4. I'm trying to meal plan! This will hopefully help diet and the grocery budget!
5. Yesterday was Day 1 for me following flylady.net - My sink is clean!
I have a lot of work to do...but I hope to break up my adventures into bits that I can blog about to encourage myself and maybe someone else too!